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Yea, but the original MOHs were really incredible though.

Up until Frontline.

After that they started sucking.

But yeah MOH is pretty much Call of Duty mixed with Battlefield and both of those games are better than MOH.

Will be fun but still jumping on the Modern Warfare bandwagon.

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Sony Upset With Nintendo's E3 Conference.

Sony wasn't thrilled about Nintendo's E3 2010 press conference where it continually reiterated its "no more glasses" messaging for the 3DS.

During an interview with IGN, president of Sony's Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida responded by saying Nintendo's vision for 3D gaming is similar to theirs and that it shouldn't focus on whether or not glasses are worn.

"I have hope that they have a broader perspective with 3D," Yoshida said. "When you listen to what they are saying about the effect of 3D perspective to the games, they are saying the same message we are, but they don't have to bash some small part of what the other company is doing."

Yoshida later said the industry should advocate 3D development, and that Sony would like to work alongside Nintendo in promoting the new technology.

"I think as an industry we should preach this new perspective, from a very large cinema screen to a small portable, because that helps advancing the games and the game industry," he said. "We'd like to work together to promote 3D."

At the time, Yoshida admitted he hadn't actually played the 3DS yet, but said the glasses technology is improving all the time and that of course they'll be required for movie-like experiences.

"If you really want a big theater experience, of course you have to wear glasses," he said. "With the latest technology, the glasses are light and you kind of forget you're wearing them after awhile."


Might have just be me but the Sony Conference which was after both MS and Nintendo they spent a big portion of it taking the piss out of both MS and Nintendo. Seems a bit hypocritical really.

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Apparently Naughty Bear isn't all that great.

I thought some of the videos online were funny, but it didn't look like a game that I would spend $60. Possibly a game more suitable for renting (even though I don't rent games).

Yeah, I mentioned earlier in the thread that NB isn't worth the $50 pricetag. It's worth renting for a weekend, but that's about it.

I just started on Ninety Nine Nights 2 the other day. Now I'm stuck....

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Had a discussion about this last night

What is the most scariest game ever made?

That can't really be answered that well though.

I mean when Doom first came out it was scary as was Resident Evil but play those games now and they are no way as scary.

We are getting more and more "Scary" games that we are being somewhat numbed to the effects of them and the over saturation means they are not as scary anymore. Also there is an over reliance on jump scares (no action for a while and game goes quiet and then BAM something jumps out at you.)

Personally the only really scary game I have played in the last 5/6 years has been the Fatal Frame series as those were genuine scares rather than jump scares.

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Had a discussion about this last night

What is the most scariest game ever made?

Silent Hill 2- That game kills me. But when I first played Half-life 2 I got to Ravenholm at like 2 Am......I didnt play for a week.

Both Crysis games are on offer -worth buying?

For cheap yea, but you need a really good computer to get the full experience. Admittedly it doesnt break any doors though.

Edited by Cdlove
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