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Got Metroid pre-ordered now, :D my friend got me Arkham Asylum and I'm going to see Guns N Roses on Sunday... All in all that's making me feel better about turning 20 in a few hours. :P

Fuck you man :rofl-lol: , turning 20 isn't shit. Wait til you're about to turn 35 & see how you feel!

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Oh my God. The PS3 has finally be hacked.



My friend and I are reading up on this as much as we can, and we're thinking about investing in one.

Be warned, sony is banning anyone who uses this from playstation network. That means that there will be no updates for game, no trophies (level) and no playstation store. If those features means nothing to you, a mod chip might be something for you.

Also people arent sure if it is 100% hacked as the games they launch, atleast in the first video that surfaced were downloadable games off the PSN so while it looks like a hack it might not be.

Like Bromle said be careful as you will lose all PSN facilities.

Well you can see in the second video that those are not PSN downloadable games.

But, yeah, I know Sony obviously isn't going to let people go with this. But with it just being on a removable flash-drive, I don't see why you can't just take it out and then be able to sign on and stuff? I still need to read more into it.

EDIT: Also, Sony has blocked Aussie distributors until September 1st, so obviously it's real and poses as a threat to them.

A PS3 mod chip wouldn't appeal to me simply because the games are much too big. Would take forever to download (on my connection anyway) and would take up a hell of a lot of hard drive space.

It's just a flash-drive that you can take in and out. It doesn't actually mod your PS3, it just allows it to play games through the Game Data you have on your PS3 already. So really, it isn't taking up any more space than without the mod. Also, it doesn't void and warranty with the PS3 (at least noticeably) since you don't do anything to the actual system. All you do is inset the flash-drive.

Once I find out more info on this, and can find out what they do with newer titles, updates, etc., I will most likely invest in one of these. If no trophies, semi-decent PSN games, and a few other things is what sacrifices must be made to save me literally hundreds of dollars a year, and sometimes months, then yes, yes I will do it.

Edited by Black Sabbath
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Got Metroid pre-ordered now, :D my friend got me Arkham Asylum and I'm going to see Guns N Roses on Sunday... All in all that's making me feel better about turning 20 in a few hours. :P

I got to play a review copy of it, it's fantastic so far(Metroid). I would give it a solid 8.8-9.0. The story is very well presented.

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Metroid Other M is out today. I was gonna get it day one, but I fell right asleep after my first day of school and woke up just a little bit ago. Only got 3-ish hours of sleep last night. :thumbsdown:

I'm about finished with it, and I found it to be an excellent experience. Once I get 100% I will write full review, but I can safely rank my favorite Metroids.

1.Metroid Prime-It's perfection from start to finish, the gameplay, the beauty, everything.

2.Super Metroid-By far the best of the 2Ds and a great competitor for best Metroid if it wasnt so short.

3.Metroid Prime 3-Excellent visuals and excellent variety in levels. The only problem I can think of involving this game is that it is a little linear at times.

4.Other M-I was really surprised how much I enjoyed it. Before the game came out I was really worried about the controls, but they work flawlessly, great ups for Team Ninja for that. The only complaints are some bad design decisions, like when you're forced to go to first person and "search" for something that triggers a cut scene, it's hard, it's annoying, it breaks up flow. Otherwise the game is great, and the cutscenes are absolutely amazing, even if some of the dialog is cheesy but there hasnt been a game where they weren't cheesy. The story is very grasping BTW.

5.Metroid Prime 2-I was tempted to put it higher than Other M and even Prime 3 if it wasnt for that TERRIBLE, ANNOYING, OUT OF NOWHERE, fetch quest. Otherwise it's excellent, but that quest is just so stupid, it was like it was put there to add another 4 or 5 hours.

6. Metroid/Metroid Zero Mission- Dont get me wrong, it's an excellent game but it just feels so........loose. It was also the only Metroid where I was bored.

7.Metroid Fusion-This game would have been excellent if it wasnt for the fact it had the name "Metroid" it front of it. It was WAY TOO linear, and anything that made Metroid Metroid is stripped from it.

8.Metroid II-This game was SOOO boring. It felt like Metroid but god, I beat the game in like 3 hours and it felt like a week.

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As a kid who grew up using epona in ocarina of time, I just can't get myself to enjoy Red Dead. My horse keeps getting stuck in fences, walls, everywhere. I mean, I've had to reset the game 3 times in a 2 hour period because of this very glitch. It could be something interesting, but all it's glitchs are turning me off.

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Okay my full review of Metroid: Other M, like promised.

*Probably contains spoilers.

The Metroid series has always been a bunch of games with tons of class and quality. Starting with the first Metroid which was the first to integrate a backtracking system. It also was the first game ever where I had to draw my own maps(those were the days). Metroid II was of less quality, but still integrated some ground breaking stuff, such as save points. Super Metroid came out years later, and boy is that one of the best games of all time. It rocks you to the core, and actually had a pretty compelling story for the time. The Primes came out later, which need no introduction, followed by Fusion, which was a linear, yet fun adventure. Where does Other M fit in all of this madness? How does it fair in comparison to all those quality games? Why are "professional" reviews giving this game some of the most split decisions of all this generation? All will be answers, but let me just start out with where does it fit in.


Other M fits in between Super Metroid and Fusion, trying to bridge the gap on what happens in between. The game starts out with a beautifully rendered CGI version of the ending to Super Metroid. After the events of Samus killing off Mother Brain, she awakes to the sound of a doctor in a Galactic Federation infirmary. She suits up, and starts training. A long time goes by, and the Galactic communities forget about the Metroids, Space Pirates, and Ridley. While flying aimlessly, Samus receives a distress signal code named "Babies Cry". She follows it and lands on a bottle ship which seems to have taken huge amounts of damage. She lands and finds Galactic Federation logos everywhere. While exploring, Samus finds a team of Federation soldiers. There she meets Anthony Higgs-Samus' close friend from her days in the Federation army, Maurice Favreau-A possibly French, cool minded computer tech geek, Lyle Smithsonian-A hot headed Special Ops member who specializes in weaponry, K.G. Misawa-The token Japanese guy because a Japanese game needs one, James Pierce-The communications expert, and computer hacker, and Commander Adam Malkovich-Samus' former superior officer and commander for this mission. Adam and Samus go way back, but I could spend days typing on what happened between them but to make a LONG, LONG, LONG, story short, he is Samus' father figure. Adam and the team head off to find a dead body, Samus is asked to join under the conditions that only Adam can authorize her lethal weapons. She accepts with no objections "of course". Shit goes down and there is tones of deceptions, plot twists, surprises, self sacrifice, mystery, sadness, happiness, the whole lot. As far as how I felt on the story, I felt it was the best part of the game. Some "reviewers" have called it cheesy, and a typical Japanese melodrama. I disagree with this whole heartily. The story is flat out surprising for a video game, I enjoyed it more than MGS4. It strays away from the typical crappy "I'm a strong soldier who has no feeling, let me blow your brains away" American games and American gamers have gotten used to.


The game plays like a 3D Metroid Fusion. A linear game with very little need for backtracking. The exploration as a whole is kept to a minimum, but that doesnt mean it's not there. You control the game with the Wiimote held sideways, classic NES style. You would think "But Cdlove, wouldnt that be awkward a 3D game?" in which I would say "Yea, for like 5 minutes". You get used to it pretty fast, and it's actually real well set up, props for Team Ninja for that. First Person also is used by pointing at the screen. This also works well that is awkward at first then becomes second nature.There is one big design flow in the game though, that's when you are forced into first person and have to look for something that triggers a cutscene. Most of the time it's pixel perfect and takes forever to find. I hate it, it breaks up flow. Basically the structure of the game is like this, You go through a door, you look around, find another door, fight enemies, Adam authorizes something, you use it, you fight a boss. It works well and is pretty seamless. I wont lie and say this is the best Metroid ever, but it is a "good' Metroid and a "great" game.Boss fights are fun, and enemies are tough. However, unfortunately the sense of isolation is gone for the majority of the game. BTW-Stick past the credits.


The game looks great for a Wii game, and looks good overall. The game has tons of effects going on and looks great on an HDTV. The cutscenes are beautiful, and the story is well presented through them. While I wouldnt say it looks as good as Prime 3, it does look better than a good chunk of 360 games, for example, a good comparison of it would be Prototype, Metroid Other M looks better than that. The artstyle is good, but it really lacks considering it follows in the footsteps of the Prime series.

Reviewer rant.

The reviewers that gave this game below an 8 (there are a few of them) are terrible at games, all games. First they complain about controls, which honestly, you would have to be an idiot not to get it. The game uses two buttons and the D pad, how is that hard to use? They complain about the story, which I really dont understand. This game has an excellent story, much better than Gears, Halo, MGS, and Killzone, yet those games get praised for their stories. They also complain about it not feeling like Metroid, which leads me to believe they only played the Prime games. Luckily it;s only a small number of idiots, but they shouldnt have played the game in the first place.


This is a must have Wii game, a game deserving of the Metroid name, and the Nintendo name.






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Dude, I wanna get it so badly now. I was going to get it right around release date, and my brother was going to get Rock Band 3 right around its release date. He felt like telling me that he didn't really feel like getting Rock Band anymore the day that Other M comes out, and Rock Band is pretty much my life (and the amount of money I've spent on DLC is absurd), so I'm waiting for it. :(

I need a job.

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Dude, I wanna get it so badly now. I was going to get it right around release date, and my brother was going to get Rock Band 3 right around its release date. He felt like telling me that he didn't really feel like getting Rock Band anymore the day that Other M comes out, and Rock Band is pretty much my life (and the amount of money I've spent on DLC is absurd), so I'm waiting for it. :(

I need a job.

You should have pre-ordered it on Amazon! They had a deal where you get $20 credit on anything.

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My friend bought Demon Souls. From what I can see, it doesn't look all that great, which is unfortunately because I love RPGs. :/

Going to the Midnight Release for that. That game looks absolutely fantastic. Plus it's the Chinese Democracy of games.

That would be Duke Nukem Forever. -_-

Except that will never come out, and Starcraft/Chinese Democracy did.

Didn't people say that about 'Chinese Democracy' as well?

Yes, but the company(3D Realms) has gone out of business. It's not coming out.

Also, eat your words, bitch.




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My friend bought Demon Souls. From what I can see, it doesn't look all that great, which is unfortunately because I love RPGs. :/

Going to the Midnight Release for that. That game looks absolutely fantastic. Plus it's the Chinese Democracy of games.

That would be Duke Nukem Forever. -_-

Except that will never come out, and Starcraft/Chinese Democracy did.

Didn't people say that about 'Chinese Democracy' as well?

Yes, but the company(3D Realms) has gone out of business. It's not coming out.

Also, eat your words, bitch.




Okay, I admit I did a misstep on that. But I still think it's a ways off.

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My friend bought Demon Souls. From what I can see, it doesn't look all that great, which is unfortunately because I love RPGs. :/

Going to the Midnight Release for that. That game looks absolutely fantastic. Plus it's the Chinese Democracy of games.

That would be Duke Nukem Forever. -_-

Except that will never come out, and Starcraft/Chinese Democracy did.

Didn't people say that about 'Chinese Democracy' as well?

Yes, but the company(3D Realms) has gone out of business. It's not coming out.

Also, eat your words, bitch.




Okay, I admit I did a misstep on that. But I still think it's a ways off.

Oh come on :lol: It's coming out in 2011.

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