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The last three big releases (Halo Reach, Fallout New Vegas, Fable 3) for the Xbox 360 all have insane performance issues for a game that costs $60. It's really ridiculous, and I know it's not just me because it plagues reviewers' opinions on the game too. All of my friends suffer the same framerate lag while playing Reach and Fable 3 (not sure about Fallout but I hear it's extremely glitchy and crashes too often). What gives? Seriously, if you're gonna make a big, great game, make sure it actually works.

I've had some crash bugs in Fallout but no frame rate issues, Reach had a few framerate problems too, I haven't got Fable so I can't say.

As for Fallout, it's an Obsidian game, they're notorious for buggy releases, but they patch well. Reach I didn't understand, the graphics weren't that great and there weren't any particularly big environments. I put that down to bad optimisation.

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It's way too late to get one. This generation is just about done.

i don't see a new console being announced for another 2 years. the ps3 still has a long time left and microsoft won't want to announce a new console with kinect about to be released(unless it bombs out). then maybe another year before it launches in the US(usually not in europe for about 6 months) and even then there'd be little support during the first few months to a year so there would be no point in buying the console until about a year into the cycle.

i remember when i bought my ps3 on launch there was little to no great games except for one or two first party ones. when the 360 first came out, most of the worthwhile games to play were just ports from last gen consoles

If anything, Apple has some of the best 3rd party support ever. Much better than the Ds or the Psp. And even competes with the major consoles.

may i ask how they provide this support? (that may sound like im being flippint but i'm not! seriously curious!)

because when it comes to big titles such as GTA both SONY and MS sent reps to help the developers to overcome problems. obviously this wouldn't happen with smaller games. and i think that in contrast to SONY, microsoft don't support independent developers as much, they moved their marketplace in this update and they don't allow the release of free DLC on xbox live(which i could see apple adopting should they release a console)

edit: also a bit off topic but why do apple make cool devices and then restrict the crap out of them? jailbroken iphone >>>>> iphone

i'd love to see yee a bit more open with your hardware and im sure yee have reason to be like this, but i just can't see it at all!

Edited by vicious
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The last three big releases (Halo Reach, Fallout New Vegas, Fable 3) for the Xbox 360 all have insane performance issues for a game that costs $60. It's really ridiculous, and I know it's not just me because it plagues reviewers' opinions on the game too. All of my friends suffer the same framerate lag while playing Reach and Fable 3 (not sure about Fallout but I hear it's extremely glitchy and crashes too often). What gives? Seriously, if you're gonna make a big, great game, make sure it actually works.

Really? I've never had framerate issues on Reach. I think the only time when the framerate dropped for a split second was online where there was about 50 grenades going off at once around about 10 guys.

As for Fable 3, are you really surprised? It's Peter Molyneux. It's gotten to the point where glitches are actually a tradition for his games.

I wouldn't know with NV, but framerate is usually an issue with most Bioware games. Look at Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love BioWare, but pretty much all their games suffer from framerate problems.

The way I see it, if it doesn't effect the game that badly, what's the big deal?

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The last three big releases (Halo Reach, Fallout New Vegas, Fable 3) for the Xbox 360 all have insane performance issues for a game that costs $60. It's really ridiculous, and I know it's not just me because it plagues reviewers' opinions on the game too. All of my friends suffer the same framerate lag while playing Reach and Fable 3 (not sure about Fallout but I hear it's extremely glitchy and crashes too often). What gives? Seriously, if you're gonna make a big, great game, make sure it actually works.

Really? I've never had framerate issues on Reach. I think the only time when the framerate dropped for a split second was online where there was about 50 grenades going off at once around about 10 guys.

As for Fable 3, are you really surprised? It's Peter Molyneux. It's gotten to the point where glitches are actually a tradition for his games.

I wouldn't know with NV, but framerate is usually an issue with most Bioware games. Look at Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love BioWare, but pretty much all their games suffer from framerate problems.

The way I see it, if it doesn't effect the game that badly, what's the big deal?

Not a Bioware game :SS

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It's way too late to get one. This generation is just about done.

i don't see a new console being announced for another 2 years. the ps3 still has a long time left and microsoft won't want to announce a new console with kinect about to be released(unless it bombs out). then maybe another year before it launches in the US(usually not in europe for about 6 months) and even then there'd be little support during the first few months to a year so there would be no point in buying the console until about a year into the cycle.

i remember when i bought my ps3 on launch there was little to no great games except for one or two first party ones. when the 360 first came out, most of the worthwhile games to play were just ports from last gen consoles

If anything, Apple has some of the best 3rd party support ever. Much better than the Ds or the Psp. And even competes with the major consoles.

may i ask how they provide this support? (that may sound like im being flippint but i'm not! seriously curious!)

because when it comes to big titles such as GTA both SONY and MS sent reps to help the developers to overcome problems. obviously this wouldn't happen with smaller games. and i think that in contrast to SONY, microsoft don't support independent developers as much, they moved their marketplace in this update and they don't allow the release of free DLC on xbox live(which i could see apple adopting should they release a console)

edit: also a bit off topic but why do apple make cool devices and then restrict the crap out of them? jailbroken iphone >>>>> iphone

i'd love to see yee a bit more open with your hardware and im sure yee have reason to be like this, but i just can't see it at all!

This generation ends in 2011, with the new consoles coming out in 2012. You can count on that. In writing, right here, i'll tell you that Nintendo will release a brand new console, and it will be just as innovative as the Wii. Then Microsoft will follow suit with a new console that wont be that huge of a leap in terms of what it will do. It would probably have Kinect built in and will be more powerful. Sony may drag the PS3 on until sales drop, but I doubt it. I think both Sony and Microsoft will try to go deeper into motion gaming.

As far as support, the App Store. That's all I have to say.

Apple is pretty lenient with its rules on the Apps. As far as reasons why we do it. It's for the safety of the buyer. We dont want personal info, viruses, and other things to be open to anyone who can write code.

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The last three big releases (Halo Reach, Fallout New Vegas, Fable 3) for the Xbox 360 all have insane performance issues for a game that costs $60. It's really ridiculous, and I know it's not just me because it plagues reviewers' opinions on the game too. All of my friends suffer the same framerate lag while playing Reach and Fable 3 (not sure about Fallout but I hear it's extremely glitchy and crashes too often). What gives? Seriously, if you're gonna make a big, great game, make sure it actually works.

Really? I've never had framerate issues on Reach. I think the only time when the framerate dropped for a split second was online where there was about 50 grenades going off at once around about 10 guys.

As for Fable 3, are you really surprised? It's Peter Molyneux. It's gotten to the point where glitches are actually a tradition for his games.

I wouldn't know with NV, but framerate is usually an issue with most Bioware games. Look at Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love BioWare, but pretty much all their games suffer from framerate problems.

The way I see it, if it doesn't effect the game that badly, what's the big deal?

With Halo Reach it occurs:

Every time within 15 seconds upon exiting black screen

On alot of Forge World maps (specifically parts with glass and lighting effects) (for a specific example, go on Asylum and zoom in from one sniper spawn to the other, the lag is horrible for such a common line of sight)

When there's alot of shots/grenades going off

In Fable it just occurs randomly and it feels like the game is in slow motion.

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This generation ends in 2011, with the new consoles coming out in 2012. You can count on that. In writing, right here, i'll tell you that Nintendo will release a brand new console, and it will be just as innovative as the Wii. Then Microsoft will follow suit with a new console that wont be that huge of a leap in terms of what it will do. It would probably have Kinect built in and will be more powerful. Sony may drag the PS3 on until sales drop, but I doubt it. I think both Sony and Microsoft will try to go deeper into motion gaming.

As far as support, the App Store. That's all I have to say.

Apple is pretty lenient with its rules on the Apps. As far as reasons why we do it. It's for the safety of the buyer. We dont want personal info, viruses, and other things to be open to anyone who can write code.

IF new consoles emerge in 2012 there won't be a point in buying it until 2013. im not sure nintendo will innovate next gen but hopefully they will!

as for the app store, don't yee ban apps and not give guidelines as to why yee have? thats just what i heard on some podcasts, it may not be true

and androids are far more open and users are still secure

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Been dubunked already.

Consumer Reports said it smelled like a rumor about "racist" HP laptops whose facial recognition features also had trouble with darker-skinned individuals. Consumer Reports debunked this claim then, and put Kinect to a similar test now. The magazine says it is "related to low-level lighting and not directly to players' skin color.

"Like the HP webcam, the Kinect camera needs enough light and contrast to determine features in a person's face before it can perform software recognition and log someone into the game console automatically," Consumer Reports writes. "Essentially, the Kinect recognized both players at light levels typically used in living rooms at night and failed to recognize both players when the lights were turned down lower. So far, we did not experience any instance where one player was recognized and the other wasn't under the same lighting conditions.

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Bought some new games yesterday. It was in the bargin bin at the store. 3 for the price of 1 type deal.

I bought Bioshock 2 for PS3. Not the biggest bioshockfan but out of the deals that where in that bin, it seemed more like a top class game, and it did get fairly good reveiws as I recall. Haven't played it yet, guess I need to wait untill I have some more time on mye hands before I get deep into that, because as I recall with Bioshock one, you need time to get to know the game, controles etc.

I also bought Dark Void. I remember it was beeing released in january this year and there was a little fuzz around it, but nothing major. Got average reveiws and nothing exciting about it. But then I startet to play it. It's not a Tripple A game or anything, but it is really fun to play. I really like the vertical gameplay it offers, and the pop and shoot mecanichs from Gears of War/Uncharted etc is always welcome in my home. The story is intresting and I find the game to be better then the sum of its parts. It's also generous when it comes to handing out trophies, and that is not a bad thing :)

I also bought Project gotham Racing 4 for Xbox 360. I've allready got nr 3, and I've played nr 4 alot because I borrowed it from a friend, but it's a really good and fun driving game, so I feel rather good about that to.

Feels like a good deal :)

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So, Black Ops is out tomorrow. Anyone have it yet? :) I know there's some places here in Denmark where they're already selling it <_<


Nevermind the total retard in this video, he's from Tønder, the place closest to Germany. Ofcourse he's retarded.

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Guest Satanisk_Slakt

The new Star Wars Force Unleashed was great. Too short, but other than that, it was great. only took four hours to run through it.

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