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Well, I bought Radiant Dawn. So freakin' fun! I think I may have my gaming "schedule" complete to keep me busy until the Nintendo 3DS or Skyward Sword or something comes out. I've recently gotten back into the Wii, so I've been playing some older games I never beat the first time through. I'm thinking of going Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn -> Donkey Kong Country Returns -> Metroid Prime 3 -> Super Paper Mario -> Pokemon White (I figure it should be out by this time), and then the 3DS will hopefully be out. These games probably wouldn't usually take me this long, but I've had a lot of school work recently, which adds to how long these will probably take me. Heck, Twilight Princess just took me 3 weeks to beat.

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Indeed its crazy PSP was only £179 when that launched.

Guess they can get away with it due to the power and 3D but totally doesn't seem worth it.

It looks a million times better than the PSP in every way, IMO.

I think it's a very high price, but people are simply writing it off due to it being a handheld. The graphics looks comparable with at least the Wii. They're also doing something different that's never been done before with the 3D effects they're using. There are a plethora of pretty cool looking games lined up. $250 is high for this thing, but it's not ridiculous, IMO.

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Indeed its crazy PSP was only £179 when that launched.

Guess they can get away with it due to the power and 3D but totally doesn't seem worth it.

It looks a million times better than the PSP in every way, IMO.

I think it's a very high price, but people are simply writing it off due to it being a handheld. The graphics looks comparable with at least the Wii. They're also doing something different that's never been done before with the 3D effects they're using. There are a plethora of pretty cool looking games lined up. $250 is high for this thing, but it's not ridiculous, IMO.

In the UK we're being charged about £230 for it, that is the equivalent to about $365 where as if we got the correct exchange rate the console would cost about £160. So now you might be able to see why UK/ EU residents think the price is ridiculous.

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Why is everyone so shocked about the price? It was no secret that the 3DS was the talk of the show at E3 with a pretty good wow effect. With that effect they can charge that much, because people will still buy it. I expect the next PSP to cost even more, both because of more horsepower and more functionality.

It is rumored that Sony will have a press conferance about the PSP2 January 27th. I'm excited to know what is rumors and whats real about that system. I'm hoping for 3D without glasses on that to, since sony is dead set on 3D.

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I don't really agree with what they did but they did specifically say they contacted the family with details as to how he cheated.

Still could have been handled better imo.

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Guest Sleeping Like An Angel

Oh this is so embarrassing but I was obsessed with playing evony and barely slept. I had to cancel my account because I was so obsessed it broke my heart.

Anyone else play it?

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I don't really agree with what they did but they did specifically say they contacted the family with details as to how he cheated.

Still could have been handled better imo.

I wonder how he did it. I mean, he's an 11 year old autistic child! :lol:

They should at least take the "Cheater" thing away. That's like having to wear a Dunce cap FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

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I restarted Donkey Kong Country Returns last night since it's been a while since I last played it and I only ever got to World 3. I'm already at the boss of World 7. It's so addicting.

Anyways, some pretty great Nintendo news has come out today.


With 3DS out in a few weeks (the Japanese date is February 26, and we are so flying to Tokyo for the launch!), all eyes seem to be focused on Nintendo's portable strategy at present. But Nintendo still has its own eyes on the Wii, thankfully. The console will be seeing some big titles this year, including Kirby, Rhythm Heaven, at least one brand new IP, and possibly Pokemon!

A Nintendo investors briefing offered a glimpse at the lineup. Notable titles for this year include Kirby, which is in development at HAL Labs, and Rhythm Heaven, which will offer one and two player support. Both titiles were previously announced, but now you can see videos at Nintendo's investor relations page (Rhythm Heaven is at top, Kirby is below that -- but you can probably figure that out on your own).

Zelda Skyward Sword is still on the way for this year, of course. According to CEO Satoru Iwata, who briefly mentioned the game at an investors briefing today, development is in the final stages. However, the game's release will trail that of 3DS's Ocarina of Time.

Wii will be getting new IPs as well! Coming completely out of nowhere today was "Pandora's Tower." The only thing we know about this game is that it's already a contendor for this year's "sexiest back" award. Access the game's teaser site here. A Japanese release is set for Spring, so details will presumably be coming soon.

Less specifically, Iwata mentioned that Nintendo is progressing with a variety of Pokemon related developments for 3DS and Wii. We expected Pokemon on the 3DS at some point. But it looks like a new Wii Pokemon game may be on the way as well!

Great news! I'm not sure if the Kirby trailer is in the link, so I'll post that, as well.


Anyways, have any of you guys played Final Fantasy XIII? I was thinking of getting it, but I'd like some opinions. I've heard pretty mixed things.

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They said they're progressing with the ideas. I doubt we'll see a main release for a while. Black and White are coming out in about a month for the DS, and I don't see another coming out for at least another year (probably longer, unless they do a Ruby/Sapphire remake like they did the other games). But you should be gettin' the 3DS anyways, foo'. Well, at least after June. Nothing good is coming out until after June.

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