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ARGH! X-box gave me the ring of death, so im thinking about switching allegiance to ps3 not sure tho...

You should. I had mine since launch and it still works perfectly.

all in all, it comes down to this: if you prefer PS3-exclusives, get a PS3, if you prefer X-BOX exclusives get an X-Box. If you get a PS3 now, there are so many great exclusives you can get cheaply that you didn't get to play yet.

Edited by st0n3r
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ARGH! X-box gave me the ring of death, so im thinking about switching allegiance to ps3 not sure tho...

You should. I had mine since launch and it still works perfectly.

all in all, it comes down to this: if you prefer PS3-exclusives, get a PS3, if you prefer X-BOX exclusives get an X-Box. If you get a PS3 now, there are so many great exclusives you can get cheaply that you didn't get to play yet.

Good points, def leaning toward the ps3.

thinking it has blue ray, easier i-net access so i can try online cod etc

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ARGH! X-box gave me the ring of death, so im thinking about switching allegiance to ps3 not sure tho...

You should. I had mine since launch and it still works perfectly.

all in all, it comes down to this: if you prefer PS3-exclusives, get a PS3, if you prefer X-BOX exclusives get an X-Box. If you get a PS3 now, there are so many great exclusives you can get cheaply that you didn't get to play yet.

Good points, def leaning toward the ps3.

thinking it has blue ray, easier i-net access so i can try online cod etc

I wouldn't say easier i-net, but it's free and decent. And honestly, I think PS3 exclusives are way better than X-Box ones. But that's just what you prefer. Just take a look around on the internet and look up some games. It will make the choice way easier.

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I wouldn't say easier i-net, but it's free and decent. And honestly, I think PS3 exclusives are way better than X-Box ones. But that's just what you prefer. Just take a look around on the internet and look up some games. It will make the choice way easier.

I've got a 360 and a PS3 and to be honest I much prefer the 360 but that's probably more to do with the fact that I despise the PS3 controller. My PS3 collection is almost all exclusive releases apart from Final Fantasy XIII cos the Bluray meant no disc swapping and it's supposedly the best version. For pretty much every other multi format game I've bought them for my 360 as that's typically the lead platform this generation and often seems to have the slight edge in many cases. That said the PS3's a great machine as long as you have tiny girl hands to make the controller usable. :lol:

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I wouldn't say easier i-net, but it's free and decent. And honestly, I think PS3 exclusives are way better than X-Box ones. But that's just what you prefer. Just take a look around on the internet and look up some games. It will make the choice way easier.

I've got a 360 and a PS3 and to be honest I much prefer the 360 but that's probably more to do with the fact that I despise the PS3 controller. My PS3 collection is almost all exclusive releases apart from Final Fantasy XIII cos the Bluray meant no disc swapping and it's supposedly the best version. For pretty much every other multi format game I've bought them for my 360 as that's typically the lead platform this generation and often seems to have the slight edge in many cases. That said the PS3's a great machine as long as you have tiny girl hands to make the controller usable. :lol:

i also have both and i'm the exact opposite :P

it just comes down to personal preference really. the ps3 controller isn't the best and xbox live beats psn, but i don't need all the extra features of xbox live to justify paying for it. i just want to go online and play a game, no extras needed.

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I wouldn't say easier i-net, but it's free and decent. And honestly, I think PS3 exclusives are way better than X-Box ones. But that's just what you prefer. Just take a look around on the internet and look up some games. It will make the choice way easier.

I've got a 360 and a PS3 and to be honest I much prefer the 360 but that's probably more to do with the fact that I despise the PS3 controller. My PS3 collection is almost all exclusive releases apart from Final Fantasy XIII cos the Bluray meant no disc swapping and it's supposedly the best version. For pretty much every other multi format game I've bought them for my 360 as that's typically the lead platform this generation and often seems to have the slight edge in many cases. That said the PS3's a great machine as long as you have tiny girl hands to make the controller usable. :lol:

i also have both and i'm the exact opposite :P

it just comes down to personal preference really. the ps3 controller isn't the best and xbox live beats psn, but i don't need all the extra features of xbox live to justify paying for it. i just want to go online and play a game, no extras needed.

Ah well to be honest the last thing that attracts me about any console is online functionality except for DLC. I literally couldn't care less about playing online. I grew up in the days before all that and I'll take a decent single player campaign over spending hours every day on a game only to get my ass handed to me by some spotty prepubescent oik with far too much time on his hands. :lol: To be honest I think this whole online gaming craic has been a bad thing for games in a way. To many developers are putting out games that last about 5-6 hours and rely on multiplayer to give the value for money.

Edited by Dazey Does Dallas
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I've been using that controller since the PSX days, so yeah, I never had trouble with it. For me it's the best one. :P And I agree with Dazey. Give me a good, well thought out and long single player campaign over online any time of the day. I just don't have the time to get good enough at a game to make it enjoyable.

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I've been using that controller since the PSX days, so yeah, I never had trouble with it. For me it's the best one. :P

Same with me, been using it since forever, the whole Xbox thing just passed me by. I went fron NES to Genesis, then PS1 PS2 PS3. For me, that is THE controller.

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I've been using that controller since the PSX days, so yeah, I never had trouble with it. For me it's the best one. :P

Same with me, been using it since forever, the whole Xbox thing just passed me by. I went fron NES to Genesis, then PS1 PS2 PS3. For me, that is THE controller.

The original PSX controller was awesome don't get me wrong, it was similar to the SNES pad which I loved too. The problem with it was when the added the analogue sticks. They're just in in the wrong place as are the triggers. They should've designed the thing properly from scratch rather than just added the sticks to an existing design where they don't fit well. The thing is tha because of the size of the thing you end up holding it in your finger tips rather than the palms of your hands so it's awkward to use the sticks with any degree of precision or at least it is for me.

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I've been using that controller since the PSX days, so yeah, I never had trouble with it. For me it's the best one. :P

Same with me, been using it since forever, the whole Xbox thing just passed me by. I went fron NES to Genesis, then PS1 PS2 PS3. For me, that is THE controller.

The original PSX controller was awesome don't get me wrong, it was similar to the SNES pad which I loved too. The problem with it was when the added the analogue sticks. They're just in in the wrong place as are the triggers. They should've designed the thing properly from scratch rather than just added the sticks to an existing design where they don't fit well. The thing is tha because of the size of the thing you end up holding it in your finger tips rather than the palms of your hands so it's awkward to use the sticks with any degree of precision or at least it is for me.

i don't mind the PSX controller, i do think the ps3 one has 2 main flaws:

the absolutely wrong shape of the triggers(seriously how did that get past the common sense stage of testing?)

and the absolute cheap-feel of it.

that being said i still prefer it to the 360 one but come to think of it, thats probably just because i'm stubborn and set in my ways :P

the great thing about the 360 controller is the plug for the mic input!

EDIT: just saw an interview on sky sports with anton ferdinand and he's wearing a battlefield 3 tshirt, wonder how much he got paid for that :P

Edited by vicious
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I wouldn't say easier i-net, but it's free and decent. And honestly, I think PS3 exclusives are way better than X-Box ones. But that's just what you prefer. Just take a look around on the internet and look up some games. It will make the choice way easier.

I've got a 360 and a PS3 and to be honest I much prefer the 360 but that's probably more to do with the fact that I despise the PS3 controller. My PS3 collection is almost all exclusive releases apart from Final Fantasy XIII cos the Bluray meant no disc swapping and it's supposedly the best version. For pretty much every other multi format game I've bought them for my 360 as that's typically the lead platform this generation and often seems to have the slight edge in many cases. That said the PS3's a great machine as long as you have tiny girl hands to make the controller usable. :lol:

i also have both and i'm the exact opposite :P

it just comes down to personal preference really. the ps3 controller isn't the best and xbox live beats psn, but i don't need all the extra features of xbox live to justify paying for it. i just want to go online and play a game, no extras needed.

Ah well to be honest the last thing that attracts me about any console is online functionality except for DLC. I literally couldn't care less about playing online. I grew up in the days before all that and I'll take a decent single player campaign over spending hours every day on a game only to get my ass handed to me by some spotty prepubescent oik with far too much time on his hands. :lol: To be honest I think this whole online gaming craic has been a bad thing for games in a way. To many developers are putting out games that last about 5-6 hours and rely on multiplayer to give the value for money.

Aye. My current pet hate is shoehorning multiplayer into something that doesn't need it. Dead Space 2 for example.

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Arkham City is the tits, I just wish there was some bat-mobile action! Maybe they'll go all out in the next one.

Is there going to be a next one? Everything I'd read gave me the indication that this was the last Arkham game for all involved... (Don't get me wrong, I'd love for it to continue).

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Arkham City is the tits, I just wish there was some bat-mobile action! Maybe they'll go all out in the next one.

Is there going to be a next one? Everything I'd read gave me the indication that this was the last Arkham game for all involved... (Don't get me wrong, I'd love for it to continue).

I just beat Arkham City and it doesn't seem like it's leading to another sequel like Asylum did with its ending.

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Arkham City is the tits, I just wish there was some bat-mobile action! Maybe they'll go all out in the next one.

Is there going to be a next one? Everything I'd read gave me the indication that this was the last Arkham game for all involved... (Don't get me wrong, I'd love for it to continue).

I just beat Arkham City and it doesn't seem like it's leading to another sequel like Asylum did with its ending.

you never know with games. how many times have they announced a "final" halo game? if it sells millions they'll usually make another.

i really hope they do, i love the arkham games so much!

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