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You don't feel the bumps of the road, steering is totally different if you don't have a wheel, you don't feel all of the subtle things that the engine/gears/clutch does, you don't turn your head as you take corners as you do in real life...

I could go on.

Something like Call of Duty 4 is a perfect example of how a FPS can duplicate the reality of being in a war exceptionally well. There's as many holes in a game like Gran Turismo as there is most FPS. Moreso than that, IT'S JUST MEANT TO BE FUN TO PLAY.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
You don't feel the bumps of the road, steering is totally different if you don't have a wheel, you don't feel all of the subtle things that the engine/gears/clutch does, you don't turn your head as you take corners as you do in real life...

I could go on.

Something like Call of Duty 4 is a perfect example of how a FPS can duplicate the reality of being in a war exceptionally well. There's as many holes in a game like Gran Turismo as there is most FPS. Moreso than that, IT'S JUST MEANT TO BE FUN TO PLAY.

Not for me, video games are meant to be more then just fun. If that's your stance, it explains why you enjoy the games you enjoy.

Games are meant to be first and foremost an artform. Do you know anyone that goes to a museum saying "I like to watch paintings because it's fun?" Nope, I don't.

I also watch films for the same reason, not as a distraction, but as an art.

Same with music. I don't listen to music because "it's fun"

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Yeah you're such an amazing elitist. Going against the curve so much does you so many wonders. Everybody wishes they had the amazing insight and deep views on the mediums like you do. We're not worthy. I want your wise eyeballs to see the deep art in games and magnificantly muscular arms to swipe away the evil spawn of games that are made to entertain people.

Please. I'm a media and film student. I can evaluate movies, games, music, TV shows as well as anyone. I'm just not close-minded or ignorant enough to claim that everything I enjoy has to be GROUNDBREAKING ART!11111

I mean I realise you can't get friends, a girlfriend, or basically anyone to associate themselves with you but really. To go so far in the opposite direction is just the hard route, man. A bullet through the brain is so much easier.

On a different note, I'm relaly excited about Condemned 2 coming out next week. I pre-ordered it today. Because I'm a dumb brute who just wants to see some brains bashed about. Yee-haw.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
Yeah you're such an amazing elitist. Going against the curve so much does you so many wonders. Everybody wishes they had the amazing insight and deep views on the mediums like you do. We're not worthy. I want your wise eyeballs to see the deep art in games and magnificantly muscular arms to swipe away the evil spawn of games that are made to entertain people.

Please. I'm a media and film student. I can evaluate movies, games, music, TV shows as well as anyone. I'm just not close-minded or ignorant enough to claim that everything I enjoy has to be GROUNDBREAKING ART!11111

I mean I realise you can't get friends, a girlfriend, or basically anyone to associate themselves with you but really. To go so far in the opposite direction is just the hard route, man. A bullet through the brain is so much easier.

On a different note, I'm relaly excited about Condemned 2 coming out next week. I pre-ordered it today. Because I'm a dumb brute who just wants to see some brains bashed about. Yee-haw.

sir, have you ever heard the assume expression? You should really re-consider such things as assuming what people are like, it does nothing but taint the image people have of you.

Perhaps I'm an elitist, however never did I say it needs to be groundbreaking art. It's an art, and should be enjoyed as such, not as just plain "fun" as alot of the shallow game experiences there are out there.

Wait, your a film student? didn't you say negative things about macs? because that would boggle my mind since macs excel in the film format.

Moral: don't assume, you'll just end up looking like an idiot. More so, a game is an art form, and "fun" is the price of entry. A "fun" game is a shallow experience. When you can add in the art, that's when a game excels.

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Whoa, you're saying HL2 isn't artistic? Or lacks art? The sheer construction of such a mammoth game, with everything designed brilliantly (hell, I don't even have the best gfx card on the market, and it looks fantastic, really really detailed) - lacks art?

Jacky, I do not understand you one bit. I want to like you, because you make out that you know what you are talking about, but you clearly, do not. You go on about "art" and "fun". HL2 is art, and it is fun, hence why it won over 26 game of the year awards, and that's from my two year old game packet.

Mac's are overrated, what can it do that a Windows based PC cannot? Aside play games that is without difficulty.

I understand you are a console based gamer, I have the joy of both worlds. I don't have to be holding a big stick and waving it around to have fun, unlike your goodself. Perhaps that is your only form of entertainment?

Who knows, I wouldn't want to "assume", and feel like a pleb.

When you've played through the HL2 series (I'm starting on Ep2 when I get paid and get my mobo back) - then claim "art" and "fun" cannot be in the same game, you should be forever banished.

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Steering away from the douchebaggery topic right now and answering the question beforehand...

Halo 3 over GoW by a mile. I bought Halo 3 with my 360 and have been playing it frequently ever since. I'll admit, Gears barely beats Halo 3 in the single player department, but that's not saying much. The multi for Gears now is pretty boring, yet you can easily find players to play with on Halo 3. Ieunno, I guess I can see how Halo 3 is not everyones cup of tea so I could just be wasting my breath here if you're not into those type of games.

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I'll just get Halo. It's all about the multiplayer for me anyway and if Gear's is dead then there's barely a reason for me to get it, I might just rent it out a few days to play it.

Hey Jack (or anyone I guess), these videos might interest you. You've most probably seen them before but just in case you haven't, I've always thought they were pretty awesome:

If Nintendo really took advantage of what the Wiimote could do then it would really be amazing, maybe next time they'll just put all their fancy technology into a high powered console.

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Yeah, I saw that first vid before. It's really amazing. It just shows how lazy/oblivious Nintendo can be. They have access to all this technology, but just dunno how to take advantage of it.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
Whoa, you're saying HL2 isn't artistic? Or lacks art? The sheer construction of such a mammoth game, with everything designed brilliantly (hell, I don't even have the best gfx card on the market, and it looks fantastic, really really detailed) - lacks art?

Jacky, I do not understand you one bit. I want to like you, because you make out that you know what you are talking about, but you clearly, do not. You go on about "art" and "fun". HL2 is art, and it is fun, hence why it won over 26 game of the year awards, and that's from my two year old game packet.

Mac's are overrated, what can it do that a Windows based PC cannot? Aside play games that is without difficulty.

I understand you are a console based gamer, I have the joy of both worlds. I don't have to be holding a big stick and waving it around to have fun, unlike your goodself. Perhaps that is your only form of entertainment?

Who knows, I wouldn't want to "assume", and feel like a pleb.

When you've played through the HL2 series (I'm starting on Ep2 when I get paid and get my mobo back) - then claim "art" and "fun" cannot be in the same game, you should be forever banished.

I'm not dissing HL2, HL2 is an impressive game, however there is something that keeps me from fully getting into the FPS genre. I just don't feel like it does what it's meant to achieve, it isn't realistic as it is meant to be.

I was more dissing games like Halo or COD4 that offer nothing but a "fun" experience, of which in any good game, the "fun" factor is price of entry. I need the game to do more then just be "fun". It's an art, and should be treated as such, not a "fun distraction".

HL2 though, I was impressed with it. Looked stunning, and had an intriguing story. It was more then just "fun"

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James has bought guitar hero III. :D

I've been on it constantly for the past two days and am on the show after the slash battle (on medium)

People with Ps3's, add me: jdrm ^_^

Oh I also managed to persuade my sister to get a wii for her birthday..which is very nice :D I dont want to buy too many games as I plan to get it chipped in the near future, but what are the top 5 best wii games? Just wii sports and wii play at the moment.

Edited by JDRM
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Bioshock has a better story.

Gears is more fun to play. Thus Gears > Bioshock.

And yes, Funky, Gears has awesome multiplayer. It's the single player campaign that really stands out for me, though.

You are perhaps the only person I've heard say that. The GOW multiplayer is dead at that since everyone has moved over to better online multiplayer experiences (Halo 3 and COD4.)

Gears Of War multiplayer is not dead.

It still has quite a strong Live community and it's always in the top ten games played on Xbox Live every week.

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@JDRM - Just get SMG, Brawl and Mario Kart (when it comes out). That's all you'll ever play on your Wii eventually anyway unless they come out with something groundbreakingly awesome, which isn't looking very likely. Oh and Twilight Princess too I guess, it's pretty good for 1 play-through.

I should play SMG more actually...I never even got into it and it's already just sitting around collecting dust.

Chipping it is pretty worth it too, just download the games and burn them to a disc and you're good to go.

And in regards to my five 360 games issue, I think I'll just get 10 games instead :lol:. There's just too many good games out there and it's not worth deciding over them for the sake of 50 bucks.

Edited by FunkyMonk
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Yeah i think SMG will be the next one I get. Looks pretty sweet, thanks :)

Oh, and did you know which chip you have? I'm thinking about going for the Wii Key. :)

Yeah I have a Wiikey, no problems with it so far. A few days after I got my Wiikey installed their website mysteriously went down :lol:, and then continued to be down for 3 months and I was kind of shitting my pants wondering if I had just installed a chip that all the support for suddenly died. But the website just came back up today actually, so there doesn't seem to be any problem :).

Have you checked what kind of Wii you have? Whether you need the D2C chip of anything?

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Yeah i think SMG will be the next one I get. Looks pretty sweet, thanks :)

Oh, and did you know which chip you have? I'm thinking about going for the Wii Key. :)

Yeah I have a Wiikey, no problems with it so far. A few days after I got my Wiikey installed their website mysteriously went down :lol:, and then continued to be down for 3 months and I was kind of shitting my pants wondering if I had just installed a chip that all the support for suddenly died. But the website just came back up today actually, so there doesn't seem to be any problem :).

Have you checked what kind of Wii you have? Whether you need the D2C chip of anything?

:lol: !

And d2c? Haven't heard of that

The uk suppliers website says the wii key wont work with consoles with the serial LEH123XXXXXX and above.... same thing? :unsure:

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As far as I can remember (I did all my Wii stuff a while back), all consoles can be chipped, just some are a lot more difficult. The Wiikey only can be fitted to certain consoles, but if you have a different one that doesn't mean it can't be chipped, you'll just have to use a different chip and probably shell out a bit more money.

Just find out what model you have first and then you can just email that website (I used that website when I got mine because I chipped mine when I was over in Ireland) and they'll tell you which chip you'll need to get, they're pretty helpful. Sorry I can't tell you, they've made a bit more progress on the chips since I've last read about them, and plus I can't remember too much.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
James has bought guitar hero III. :D

I've been on it constantly for the past two days and am on the show after the slash battle (on medium)

People with Ps3's, add me: jdrm ^_^

Oh I also managed to persuade my sister to get a wii for her birthday..which is very nice :D I dont want to buy too many games as I plan to get it chipped in the near future, but what are the top 5 best wii games? Just wii sports and wii play at the moment.

top 5 wii games:

5. Zack & Wiki

4. Super paper mario

3. Trauma Center (I'd reccomend the first 1 first which is: second opinion, although the second 1 has co-op.)

2. Galaxy

1. Brawl

If you were a fan of melee, it'll take you a while to adjust to brawl, but once you do, it's the best game on the wii easily. Although I personally dislike the online.

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Bioshock has a better story.

Gears is more fun to play. Thus Gears > Bioshock.

And yes, Funky, Gears has awesome multiplayer. It's the single player campaign that really stands out for me, though.

You are perhaps the only person I've heard say that. The GOW multiplayer is dead at that since everyone has moved over to better online multiplayer experiences (Halo 3 and COD4.)

Gears Of War multiplayer is not dead.

It still has quite a strong Live community and it's always in the top ten games played on Xbox Live every week.

I havent played Gears multiplayer much, I suck at it. I have compared every other game to it's multiplayer tho. It's the best I've seen. Kane & Lynch had a multiplayer and it was fun, mainly cos it wasnt too hard just to have a go and theme is great. Gears always has someone ready to pop your head off from 100m or take you on their team. It's the bench mark for me, in terms of multiplayer. Nothing comes close, its the key to its longevity. The singleplayer was ok once through or in co-op but it didn't interest me as much as Dead Rising. Crackdown overall is most fun I had on the 360. The Darkness beats Mass Effect and Bioshock in terms of story telling. I was pissed when Jenny got killed.

Anything can be art. It only takes an artist to call it art. Art is very broad term. Good or Bad is subjective. Mainly people play videogames for fun, enjoyment. Much like people who go to galleries to enjoy art. They don't understand thing one about Mondarian or the Seagram room but they enjoy it.

Making videogames is an artform but there are various kinds of artists, commercial, surrealist, neo conceptual. It's the low brow/ high brow arguement all over again. Is Mickey Mouse art? It is in a Peter Blake painting. Or was it art to begin with?

You know when there's a conceptual materpiece from the NY scene in the 70s of a guy taking shit under a little bridge in a gallery, then anything really is art.

In many ways videogames go to back to the exploitation movies of the 70s more than they resemble Easy Rider.

Easy Rider to me is a good example of what will prpbably happen with videogames.

When Easy Rdier did box office and made Hopper Fonda Nicholson stars, everyone thought this is it, people want free form movies, people want art movies, this is the change we all wanted.

But in reality people never bought the subsequent art movies in the years after. Hoppers masterpiece bombed in Mexico. And by the 80s it was back to High Concept blockbusters - Top Gun, Spielberg - the experiment failed.

Videogames promise a lot but they deliver very little which would be considered anything but pastiche in the real art world.

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Just got a Nintendo Wii- Extra Controller/nunchuck+the ones it came with. Classic Controller, Red Steel, No More Heroes, the charger kit, Mario bros. 1 and 3 and LOZ OOFT. All for $300. What is the next game i should get, Im renting DBZ 3 and Mario Galaxy in game fly. (eventually will pick up mario galaxy). What should i get next, im thinking SSBB but im not sure how interested i will be, i know i will like it but what is a good game.

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Just got a Nintendo Wii- Extra Controller/nunchuck+the ones it came with. Classic Controller, Red Steel, No More Heroes, the charger kit, Mario bros. 1 and 3 and LOZ OOFT. All for $300. What is the next game i should get, Im renting DBZ 3 and Mario Galaxy in game fly. (eventually will pick up mario galaxy). What should i get next, im thinking SSBB but im not sure how interested i will be, i know i will like it but what is a good game.

Red Steel sucks. Definitely. Get Brawl.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
Just got a Nintendo Wii- Extra Controller/nunchuck+the ones it came with. Classic Controller, Red Steel, No More Heroes, the charger kit, Mario bros. 1 and 3 and LOZ OOFT. All for $300. What is the next game i should get, Im renting DBZ 3 and Mario Galaxy in game fly. (eventually will pick up mario galaxy). What should i get next, im thinking SSBB but im not sure how interested i will be, i know i will like it but what is a good game.

Red Steel sucks. Definitely. Get Brawl.

Red Steel is a great concept, great art, but has broken controls. If Ubi woudn't have rushed it, and delayed it for perhaps 6-12 months more, it would of easily been a 9 out of 10.

Get Brawl though.

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