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I've been looking for some Danzig fans, (no, liking mother does NOT make you a fan), and i've seen a few post here and there wthat has a few Danzig refrences, so i'm just wondering who all here is a Danzig fan, and whats your favorite Danzig song (I will hunt you down and masterbate in your cheerios while you sleep at night if you say mother), and what your favorite over all album is.. I've never had the chance to see Danzig live, so maybe if you have, you could do me a favor and share your expreince with me..

Favorite Danzig song's:

Let it be captured

cant speak



Stalker song

I don;t mind the pain

well.. anything from Danzig 4 really...

Am I demon

trouble (the elvis cover)

How the gods kill

Snakes of christ

Less than zero (song her wrote for Roy Orbison to use in the soundtrack)

Thirteen (another song he wrote, this time for Johnny cash, but his version of this and less than zero are far better.. like he went "no guy's, like this".lol)

..... this could be a long list, ill kill it there..

Favorite album's, all of them except Danzig 5 and the last one.. the one befor eit wasnt that great either, but I like a cold inside and a few other's that show he still has some fo what he used to..

Edited by oogieboogieman420
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is this from mine?

No, but I sorta stole it and made it mine..lol... I just mean Danzig era only.. after misfits.. ya know, the samhain years and all.. like I said, post misfits.. and also, like I said, i'm lookin for all the real Danzig fans.. not just peopel who heard that crap song mother and thats asfar as it goes... you aint gonna be pissed off are ya? If so i'm sur eit can be deleted and i'll just wait until the misfits fade to another few pages and repost it if u like

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is this from mine?

No, but I sorta stole it and made it mine..lol... I just mean Danzig era only.. after misfits.. ya know, the samhain years and all.. like I said, post misfits.. and also, like I said, i'm lookin for all the real Danzig fans.. not just peopel who heard that crap song mother and thats asfar as it goes... you aint gonna be pissed off are ya? If so i'm sur eit can be deleted and i'll just wait until the misfits fade to another few pages and repost it if u like

nah dont i like it...i kinda like mother the best and belly of the beast i think its called

Edited by jimmyslash
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I'm not a fan but I picked up Danzig I today. Very good album overall :] I like how Glenns voice is the key, which helds it all together (if you got what I mean :P - it's so strong that it's all over and keeps the songs on going.)

And I'd have to agree with santana, Soul on Fire is great.

Edited by Wando
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Danzig is the fucking man! I like too many of his songs to list, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would probably be Soul On Fire.

BTW, Less Than Zero wasn't written for Roy Orbison, Life Fades Away was.

Are you sure less than zero wasn't wrote for him too? Ya know, i've heard of life fades away, but I have never heard it.. i'll have to find it... and yeah, Danzig is fuckin king.. but his voice can be over bearing if you're not used to it.. and yeah, soul on fire is a badass song..

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twist of cain, that guitar riff rocks, i could loop the first 30 seconds and listen to it over an over and not get sick of it.

mother too.


yeah, twist of cain is a badass song... I used to listen to that song all the time.. if i listened to Danzig 1 at all, i'd have to listen to it 4 or 5 times before i listened to anything else.. and this was back in teh day's of the cassette tape.. so.. ^_^ lol....

and I hate the mother song because, it's made him labled a onehit wonder, as after that song, there was no other media exposure, no other "big" hit.. and thats the only song anybody really knows when you ask if they've heard of Danzig.. usually it goes like this.. "hey, have you ever heard of Danzig" "who?" "Danzig.. ya know.. Glen Danzig.. wrote thirteen for johnny cash.. was the lead singer of the misfits when they first started" "uuumm.. no... never heard of him" "yeah you have.. ya know.. whoa mother.. tell ya chi.." "ooh yeah.. I like that song".. and thats it.. and as he said "it's the only thing i'm known for... people keep expecting anothe rmother, and I don't have it... thats it.. I did it... I can't do another mother.. it's the only mother I have".. and thats true.. nobody knows what a great artist he is, because of this fuckin song.. you hear it and expect something like it again, and it's not gonna happen.. it's a poppy song and I just dont like it.. not as much as everything else he's done.. i'll admit to singing it in sessions, and just fuckin around.. but i'd rather do anything else by Danzig.. just nobody else seems to know anything but mother.. so, when the band only knows mother, you can only sing mother..

Edited by oogieboogieman420
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