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Punk's Not Dead


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I don't see it as dead-the punk ethic is still there for a lot of bands, although they may not sound like what would be thought of as traditional punk. To me, most of the pop-punk bands out there today are dressing and acting the part, but they're posers in my mind.

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it cant die. as a musical genre, im glad to say yes it is. and good thing too, it werent about longevity. the general idea of punk, progress, forward thinking, doing what you want despite, will always live. its something thats as old as time itself. fight against the status quo, against the complacency of the norm, its not something exlusive to some old music movement from the 70s, its something aincient.

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Considering all the various bands with many diverse and sometimes opposite sounds that were considered "punk", punk didn't ever really exist. But under a loose attitude, the last scrap of punk was Green Day's greatest hits album "international super hits" as in the 90's Green Day were the ultimate punk band, but after their greatest hits, they came back with their pop ideals and protest feel in the form of American Idiot, as adversed to a pissed off attitude most punk albums generated, and it leaves the punk band that was Green Day back in the 90's. So yes, punk is dead, but some genius might come back with a band singing real anthemic punk songs and reignite the passion.

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Punks Not Dead according to The Exploited.

However if we're to listen to Crass Punk IS Dead. -_-

Who do we trust?! The Exploited or Crass?! :o


neither, we trust the guy who invented it, John Lydon "stop looking up to grandad"

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Punks Not Dead according to The Exploited.

However if we're to listen to Crass Punk IS Dead. -_-

Who do we trust?! The Exploited or Crass?! :o


neither, we trust the guy who invented it, John Lydon "stop looking up to grandad"


If we're trusting him we can safely assume Green Day are NOT punk! I loved that little rant he had about them.

..and with people like Donny Tourette how can punk possibly be dying! He's a total prick and Towers of London ain't exactly rockin' but that guy has got punk spirit coming out of his eye balls :lol:


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Punks Not Dead according to The Exploited.

However if we're to listen to Crass Punk IS Dead. -_-

Who do we trust?! The Exploited or Crass?! :o


neither, we trust the guy who invented it, John Lydon "stop looking up to grandad"


If we're trusting him we can safely assume Green Day are NOT punk! I loved that little rant he had about them.

..and with people like Donny Tourette how can punk possibly be dying! He's a total prick and Towers of London ain't exactly rockin' but that guy has got punk spirit coming out of his eye balls :lol:


since when were green day? Donny Tourette has punk spirit? what inventive individualistic original thing has he done?

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Punks Not Dead according to The Exploited.

However if we're to listen to Crass Punk IS Dead. -_-

Who do we trust?! The Exploited or Crass?! :o


neither, we trust the guy who invented it, John Lydon "stop looking up to grandad"


If we're trusting him we can safely assume Green Day are NOT punk! I loved that little rant he had about them.

..and with people like Donny Tourette how can punk possibly be dying! He's a total prick and Towers of London ain't exactly rockin' but that guy has got punk spirit coming out of his eye balls :lol:


since when were green day? Donny Tourette has punk spirit? what inventive individualistic original thing has he done?

Never. And nothing.. I meant in the he's a total jackass way. He's like the ultimate wannabe. It was a tounge in cheek remark :lol:

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Punks Not Dead according to The Exploited.

However if we're to listen to Crass Punk IS Dead. -_-

Who do we trust?! The Exploited or Crass?! :o


neither, we trust the guy who invented it, John Lydon "stop looking up to grandad"


If we're trusting him we can safely assume Green Day are NOT punk! I loved that little rant he had about them.

..and with people like Donny Tourette how can punk possibly be dying! He's a total prick and Towers of London ain't exactly rockin' but that guy has got punk spirit coming out of his eye balls :lol:


since when were green day? Donny Tourette has punk spirit? what inventive individualistic original thing has he done?

Never. And nothing.. I meant in the he's a total jackass way. He's like the ultimate wannabe. It was a tounge in cheek remark :lol:

Pardon mah galoshes :lol:

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punk's long gone

Sadly no, I still have to see those scumbags on the streets, demolishing things, drinking massive amounts of alcohol, pissing and shitting on the streets, yelling at normal people for whatever reason, and just being total idiots. Why can't they just die?

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Yes that's right, punk is dead

It's just another cheap product for the consumers head

Bubblegum rock on plastic transistors

Schoolboy sedition backed by big time promoters

CBS promote the Clash

Ain't for revolution, it's just for cash

Punk became a fashion just like hippy used to be

Ain't got a thing to do with your or me

Movements are systems and systems kill

Movements are expressions of the public will

Punk became a movement cos we all felt lost

Leaders sold out and now we all pay the cost

Punk narcissism was a social napalm

Steve Jones started doing real harm

Preaching revolution, anarchy and change

Sucked from the system that had given him his name

Well I'm tired of staring through shit stained glass

Tired of staring up a superstars arse

I've got an arse and crap and a name

I'm just waiting for my fifteen minutes fame

Steven Jones, you're napalm

If you're so pretty vacant, why do you smarm?

Patti Smith, you're napalm, your write with your hand

But it's Rimbaud's arm

And me, yes, I, do I want to burn?

Is there something I can learn?

Do I need a business man to promote my angle

Can I resist the carrots that fame and fortune dangle

I see the velvet zippies in their bondage gear

The social elite with safetypins in their ear

I watch and understand that it don't mean a thing

The scorpions might attack, but the systems stole the sting


Its unfortunate but true.


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Who wrote that ^^

Its a track by Crass. Excellent punk band.

Anyone who likes punk and hasn't heard much of 'em talk to me and I'll send you some tracks! :P


Crass...biggest rock star poser mentality

They played in Canada around '83.My friend's band opened for them.

Total rock star attitude...the opening bands weren't allowed to soundcheck,weren't allowed to put any of their gear on stage until just before they played.

The guys in Crass wouldn't socialize with the opening bands...lead singer sat in the corner in the dressing room drinking,with his back to everyone else.The rest of the band treated the opening bands with complete condescending attitudes...total jerk offs.

They wouldn't even offer any of the opening bands a beer out of the free supply...in fact,kicked the other bands out of the dressing room before their set.

They charged a ridiculous amount of money to see them (by punk standards...and for the time).

They played for 50 minutes and left...without even an encore.They didn't socialize with any fans in the bar,didn't hang out before or after the show...didn't talk while on stage.Their entire on stage vibe was...you are lucky we have graced you with our presence you inferior peasants.

I stood right near the front and didn't get the sense of anything real or sincere happening.

They sounded like shit and were boring as hell...one of the worst punk shows I ever saw.

(not saying they didn't have some decent songs though)

total fuckin wankers

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